Jan 22, 2012

Art Notes

Broken Home: Have to make some more of that project, a cpl ppl at the health program I go to saw my paintings and at least 3 ppl wanted that painting I did with the cross. I actually rather not just give them away, but rather sell it since it does cost a bit to get the materials I need. I still have the gold flakes and the Goop, but not the canvas or the cross which I have no idea where to find it, alls I know it's on a book, gotta ask my friend about it. (11x14 canvas)

Sexual Confusion: (credit for the title goes to my friend Heather): I have to do another painting like this as well, two ppl would like to have it. (12x12 canvas)

Corruptionist: A collage of all things sexual both sold from stores, and seen on TV and the web. To show that sex is everywhere and it's hard to escape from it. Being a person who jokes a lot about sex, that's the main reason why I do it, because other ppl can and it seems to be socially accepted. (18x24 canvas)

Fall Spread: Pine cones, acorns, and fall leaves all bunched together as a collage. (11x14 canvas)

Foot Prints: Going to get my feet nice and dirty, and press them on top of a canvas (18x24)

Foot Painting: Going to put paint on my feet and press on canvas like when I do it with my dirty feet. (18x24)

Bleed your heart out: Going to buy a cow or pigs heart and liver, splat it on the canvas. (12x12)

Menstruation Creation: Using my period blood as a water color to paint with, saw this done so I want to join in an contribute, and yes I know it's disgusting but I like that it is so that's my other reason for doing it. (12x12 canvas)

Condoms Everywhere: Assortment of condoms in array of shapes and colors. (18x24)

Beach Art: Going to use some household items and beach sand to create an assemblage. (16x20 canvas)

Assemblage Art Crafts: Going to make loads of landscapes and objects using everyday items instead of paint. (16x20 canvas)


1st time uploading a painting, and I know it's not the best, but I really like it, I want to paint some more, but I need to get more canvases this week ;)

Anyway, I kind of wish I didn't add the AP at the bottom, but oh well. My next one I'm going to make is I'm going to plaster this cross I have on canvas, and just paint around it and make it abstract as possible.

Abstract Swipe

I did this painting last month, forgot to upload it on here. But I do like how messy and 'off' it is. I LOVE abstract paintings that look like this so I wanted to do my own and this is my 1st one, hope any art fanatics like it.

Shades of...Blue

Screw up

So this is an outlook of how I basically did the 'Shades of...Blue'

I'm doing a series of various colors, "Shades of..." I learned this style in my HS art class, our teacher told us to draw 3 things, anything, and basically to draw outlines around it, once the outlines meet and you can't draw anymore, that's when you do one big complete outline of the shapes that you have like what you see with the purple (I'm making it into mauve now, I don't like neon paints and I bought the wrong purple anyway lol). Once you do that, you then # from 1-8 between the outlines (when you get to 8, you repeat with #1 and so on until you get to the last line near the edge. Then you start off with whatever color you want, and with each new # you get too, you put drops (whatever # it falls on that's usually how many drops I do, but when it gets to the higher #'s, I just kind of put a lot of white in it to make it more noticeable of the change like you see with the blue) of white to make it lighter each time, or black to darken each time (with black, I suggest using a VERY small drop of black cause it gets dark too quick), or another color, for the blue, I would have used yellow with the blue to make it green in the end, and for this, I just would've darkened instead of lighten, not many colors are gd with a mauve color I think? But anyway, once it's complete like you see for the blue, it should look like an illusion almost. I don't remember what my art teacher called this, but I call it Illusionistic Abstract. Hope you enjoy, and I cant wait to start other colors ;)

Need A LOT of freaking canvases. Oh but when I move to Atlantic City (hopefully), we're going to look for a 3 bedroom place to have one of the rooms as my art studio, but also a photography studio as well.

Broken Home

This is a project that I thought about doing. The cross wasn't supposed to be broken, but my kid dropped it so she broke it and I thought it looked pretty cool, so it was still usable to put on the canvas.

So my bf asked me what this painting symbolizes and for me, it means that because this is a cross, since jesus was nailed to a cross, but since he "rose from the dead" the broken cross symbolizes his freedom, and his job to help mankind of their sins. Or it could mean that because he is supposed to be on a cross, it's broken, and it won't be fixed until he gets back on it, basically be put back in his place (no offense to anyone). So it could stand for something gd for god lovers, or something gd to non fans of religion, for me it goes either way, but I think the 1st option would suit a lot of ppl, and of course the gold is to show that it's shining.

I used that Goop glue again and put gold flakes down on it and kind of buffed it in, I wish I just left it alone the way it was, but I like what the gold represents. So this isn't complete just yet, I need to buy metallic red for the inside part of the cross, that way the gold symbolizes his freedom, or even greed for fortune, the red would represent his blood, and the blue stands for truth and strength. I'm not a believer, I just thought this would look cool but yeah...

This is in four stages as follows: